Write out IOD, generate plots

Cees Bassa 2022-07-09 23:15:17 +02:00
parent 6dc7a61b23
commit 05adb398fd
3 changed files with 98 additions and 92 deletions

View File

@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ height = 10 # Height of location (meters)
tlefile1 = /data3/tle/20220324_195104_catalog.txt
name1 = Catalog
abbrev1 = catalog
color1 = C0
tlefile2 = /data3/tle/20220324_195104_classfd.txt
name2 = Classified
abbrev2 = classfd
color2 = C1
tlefile3 = /data3/tle/20220324_195104_inttles.txt
name3 = Integrated
abbrev3 = inttles
color3 = C2

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import configparser
import os
import glob
import configparser
from stvid.fourframe import FourFrame
from stvid.fourframe import Observation
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ def plot_prediction(p, ax, tlefiles, colors, dt=2.0, w=10.0):
if ff.in_frame(xs[0], ys[0]):
ax.text(xs[0], ys[0], f" {p.satno:05d} ", color=color, ha=ha)
ax.text(xs[0], ys[0], f" {p.satno:05d} ", color=color, ha=ha, in_layout=False)
for state, linestyle in zip(["sunlit", "umbra", "eclipsed"], ["solid", "dashed", "dotted"]):
c = correct_bool_state(p.state == state)
@ -145,8 +146,11 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes=("#", ":"))
result = cfg.read([config_file])
# Observer settings
site_id = cfg.getint("Observer", "cospar")
# Extract colors for TLE files
colors, tlefiles, catalognames = [], [], []
colors, abbrevs, tlefiles, catalognames = [], [], [], []
for key, value in cfg.items("Elements"):
if "tlefile" in key:
@ -154,6 +158,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
elif "name" in key:
elif "abbrev" in key:
color_detected = cfg.get("LineDetection", "color")
# Colormap
@ -169,10 +175,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
fnames = sorted(glob.glob("/data3/satobs/test/185300/processed/2*.fits"))
# fname = "/data3/satobs/test/2022-04-02T21:35:17.038.fits"
for fname in fnames:
ff = FourFrame(fname)
# Output file root
froot = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
# Generate predictions
predictions = ff.generate_satellite_predictions(cfg)
@ -185,6 +194,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Default satno
satno = 90000 + i
cospar = "22 500A"
tlefile = None
for p in predictions:
# Compute identification constraints
rx0, ry0, drdt, pa, dr = p.position_and_velocity(t.tmid, t.tmax - t.tmin)
@ -193,89 +203,66 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
fdr = (dr / t.dr - 1) * 100
if (np.abs(dtm) < dtm_max) & (np.abs(rm) < rm_max) & (np.abs(dpa) < dpa_max) & (np.abs(fdr) < fdr_max):
satno = p.satno
# print(f"{p.satno}: {rx0:6.2f} {ry0:6.2f}, {drdt:7.4f} {pa * 180 / np.pi:6.2f} {dr:8.4f} {dpa} {fdr}")
cospar = p.cospar
tlefile = p.tlefile
t.satno = satno
t.cospar = cospar
t.catalogname = "unid"
# Get catalog abbreviation
for abbrev, tfile in zip(abbrevs, tlefiles):
if tfile == tlefile:
t.catalogname = abbrev
# Add to observation
obs.append(Observation(ff, t.tmid, t.x0, t.y0, 4171, t.satno, t.cospar))
obs.append(Observation(ff, t.tmid, t.x0, t.y0, site_id, t.satno, t.cospar, t.catalogname))
# Write observations
for o in obs:
iod_line = o.to_iod_line()
for t in tracks:
# Open file
outfname = f"{froot}_{o.satno:05d}_{o.catalogname}.dat"
with open(outfname, "w") as fp:
print(iod_line, o.catalogname)
ny, nx = ff.zmax.shape
rmax = np.sqrt(nx**2 + ny**2)
w = 50
# Generate plots
for i in range(len(tracks) + 1):
if i < len(tracks):
track = tracks[i]
iod_line = obs[i].to_iod_line()
satno = obs[i].satno
catalogname = obs[i].catalogname
outfname = f"{froot}_{satno:05d}_{catalogname}.png"
track = None
iod_line = ""
outfname = f"{fname}.png"
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 1, figsize=(15, 10), dpi=75, sharex=True, sharey=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10), dpi=75)
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.ravel()):
if i == 0:
z, zmin, zmax = ff.zavg, ff.zavgmin, ff.zavgmax
elif i == 1:
z, zmin, zmax = ff.zstd, ff.zstdmin, ff.zstdmax
elif i == 2:
z, zmin, zmax = ff.zmax, ff.zmaxmin, ff.zmaxmax
elif i == 3:
z, zmin, zmax = ff.znum, ff.znummin, ff.znummax
elif i == 4:
z, zmin, zmax = ff.zsig, 5, ff.zsigmax
im = ax.imshow(z, origin="lower", interpolation="none", vmin=zmin, vmax=zmax,
tr = mtransforms.Affine2D().rotate_around(t.x0, t.y0, t.pa - 0.5 * np.pi) + ax.transData
ax.set_xlim(t.x0 - w - 0.5 * rmax, t.x0 + w + 0.5 * rmax)
ax.set_ylim(t.y0 - w, t.y0 + w)
ax.plot(t.xp, t.yp, color=color_detected, transform=tr)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(15, 10), dpi=75)
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.ravel()):
if i == 0:
ax.plot(t.t, t.x, ".")
ax.plot(t.t, t.xp)
elif i == 1:
ax.plot(t.t, t.y, ".")
ax.plot(t.t, t.yp)
elif i == 2:
ax.plot(t.t, t.z, ".")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10), dpi=75)
ax.set_title(f"UT Date: {ff.nfd} COSPAR ID: {ff.site_id}\nR.A.: {ff.crval[0]:10.6f} ({3600 * ff.crres[0]:.1f}\") Decl.: {ff.crval[1]:10.6f} ({3600 * ff.crres[1]:.1f}\")\nFOV: {ff.wx:.2f}$^\circ$x{ff.wy:.2f}$^\circ$ Scale: {3600 * ff.sx:.2f}\"x{3600 * ff.sy:.2f}\" pix$^{{-1}}$", fontdict={"fontsize": 14, "horizontalalignment": "left"}, loc="left")
ax.set_title(f"UT Date: {ff.nfd} COSPAR ID: {ff.site_id}\nR.A.: {ff.crval[0]:10.6f} ({3600 * ff.crres[0]:.1f}\") Decl.: {ff.crval[1]:10.6f} ({3600 * ff.crres[1]:.1f}\")\nFOV: {ff.wx:.2f}$^\circ$x{ff.wy:.2f}$^\circ$ Scale: {3600 * ff.sx:.2f}\"x{3600 * ff.sy:.2f}\" pix$^{{-1}}$\n\n{iod_line}", fontdict={"fontsize": 14, "horizontalalignment": "left"}, loc="left")
ax.imshow(ff.zmax, origin="lower", interpolation="none", vmin=ff.zmaxmin, vmax=ff.zmaxmax,
# ax.imshow(ff.zsig, origin="lower", interpolation="none", vmin=5.0, vmax=ff.zsigmax,
# cmap="gray_r")
#ax.imshow(ff.znum, origin="lower", interpolation="none", vmin=0, vmax=100,
# cmap="gray_r")
for p in predictions:
plot_prediction(p, ax, tlefiles, colors, dt=0)
for track in tracks:
if track is not None:
ax.plot(track.xp, track.yp, color=color_detected, linestyle="-")
ax.plot(track.x0, track.y0, color=color_detected, marker="o", markerfacecolor="none")
ax.text(track.x0, track.y0, f" {track.satno:05d}", color=color_detected, ha="center")
ax.text(track.x0, track.y0, f" {track.satno:05d}", color=color_detected, ha="center", in_layout=False)
ax.set_xlim(0, ff.nx)
ax.set_ylim(0, ff.ny)
ax.set_xlabel("x (pixel)")
ax.set_ylabel("y (pixel)")
# ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([])
# ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([])
# Create legend handles
handles = []
@ -284,9 +271,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
handles.append(mlines.Line2D([], [], color=color_detected, marker="o", markerfacecolor="none", label="Detected"))
for state, linestyle in zip(["Sunlit", "Penumbra", "Eclipsed"], ["solid", "dashed", "dotted"]):
handles.append(mlines.Line2D([], [], color="k", linestyle=linestyle, marker="", label=state))
ax.legend(handles=handles, ncol=7, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.02), loc="center", frameon=False)
ax.legend(handles=handles, ncol=7, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), loc="center", frameon=True)
# plt.show()
plt.savefig(f"{fname}.png", bbox_inches="tight")
plt.savefig(outfname, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0.5)

View File

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ import tempfile
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
from astropy import wcs
from astropy.time import Time
@ -15,8 +18,9 @@ from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
class Prediction:
"""Prediction class"""
def __init__(self, satno, mjd, ra, dec, x, y, rx, ry, state, tlefile, age):
def __init__(self, satno, cospar, mjd, ra, dec, x, y, rx, ry, state, tlefile, age):
self.satno = satno
self.cospar = cospar
self.age = age
self.mjd = mjd
self.t = 86400 * (self.mjd - self.mjd[0])
@ -121,6 +125,7 @@ class Track:
self.n = len(x)
self.satno = None
self.cospar = None
self.tlefile = None
# Compute mean position
self.tmin, self.tmax = np.min(self.t), np.max(self.t)
@ -142,8 +147,8 @@ class Track:
self.dr = self.drdt * (self.tmax - self.tmin)
# Position and velocity on the image
self.px = np.polyfit(self.t - self.tmid, self.x, 2)
self.py = np.polyfit(self.t - self.tmid, self.y, 2)
self.px = np.polyfit(self.t - self.tmid, self.x, 1)
self.py = np.polyfit(self.t - self.tmid, self.y, 1)
self.x0 = self.px[-1]
self.y0 = self.py[-1]
self.dxdt = self.px[-2]
@ -178,18 +183,20 @@ class Track:
return pmin & pmax
class Observation:
"""Satellite observation"""
def __init__(self, ff, t, x, y, site_id, norad, cospar):
def __init__(self, ff, t, x, y, site_id, satno, cospar, catalogname):
self.t = t
self.mjd = ff.mjd + self.t / 86400
self.nfd = Time(self.mjd, format="mjd", scale="utc").isot
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.site_id = site_id
self.norad = norad
self.satno = satno
self.cospar = cospar
self.catalogname = catalogname
p = SkyCoord.from_pixel(self.x, self.y, ff.w, 0)
self.ra = p.ra.degree
@ -201,7 +208,7 @@ class Observation:
.replace("T", "") \
.replace(":", "") \
.replace(".", "")
iod_line = "%05d %-9s %04d G %s 17 25 %s 37 S" % (self.norad, self.cospar, self.site_id, tstr,
iod_line = "%05d %-9s %04d G %s 17 25 %s 37 S" % (self.satno, self.cospar, self.site_id, tstr,
return iod_line
@ -329,7 +336,7 @@ class FourFrame:
for key, value in cfg.items("Elements"):
if "tlefile" in key:
command += f" -c {value}"
# Run command
output = subprocess.check_output(command,
@ -352,7 +359,13 @@ class FourFrame:
c = d["satno"] == satno
tlefile = np.unique(d["tlefile"][c])[0]
age = np.unique(np.asarray(d["age"])[c])[0]
p = Prediction(satno, np.asarray(d["mjd"])[c], np.asarray(d["ra"])[c], np.asarray(d["dec"])[c], x[c], y[c], rx[c], ry[c], np.array(d["state"])[c], tlefile, age)
cospar = str(np.unique(np.asarray(d["cospar"])[c])[0])
# Fix COSPAR designation for IOD format
if len(cospar) > 1:
if cospar[2] != " ":
cospar = f"{cospar[0:2]} {cospar[2:]}"
p = Prediction(satno, cospar, np.asarray(d["mjd"])[c], np.asarray(d["ra"])[c], np.asarray(d["dec"])[c], x[c], y[c], rx[c], ry[c], np.array(d["state"])[c], tlefile, age)
return predictions
@ -429,6 +442,7 @@ class FourFrame:
return tracks
def decode_line(line):
p = line.split(" ")
ax = float(p[0])
@ -519,3 +533,5 @@ def deproject(l0, b0, l, b):
dl, db = radius * np.sin(position_angle), radius * np.cos(position_angle)
return dl * 180 / np.pi, db * 180 / np.pi