Misc changes

Cees Bassa 2021-05-08 13:57:02 +02:00
parent 57b11b163c
commit 3ed5d29e21
1 changed files with 34 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -150,8 +150,14 @@ def capture_asi(image_queue, z1, t1, z2, t2, nx, ny, nz, tend, device_id, live,
camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_GAMMA, 50)
camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_BRIGHTNESS, brightness)
camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_FLIP, 0)
camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, high_speed)
camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_HARDWARE_BIN, hardware_bin)
camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, high_speed)
camera.set_control_value(asi.ASI_HARDWARE_BIN, hardware_bin)
@ -222,7 +228,7 @@ def capture_asi(image_queue, z1, t1, z2, t2, nx, ny, nz, tend, device_id, live,
buf = 2
logger.debug("Captured buffer %d" % buf)
logger.debug("Captured buffer %d (%dx%dx%d)" % (buf, nx, ny, nz))
# Swap flag
first = not first
@ -280,46 +286,49 @@ def compress(image_queue, z1, t1, z2, t2, nx, ny, nz, tend, path, device_id, cfg
# Get obsid
t = time.gmtime()
obsid = "%s_%d/%s" % (time.strftime("%Y%m%d", t), device_id, time.strftime("%H%M%S", t))
trestart = time.gmtime()
obsid = "%s_%d/%s" % (time.strftime("%Y%m%d", trestart), device_id, time.strftime("%H%M%S", trestart))
filepath = os.path.join(path, obsid)
logger.info("Storing files in %s" % filepath)
# Wait for completed capture buffer to become available
while (image_queue.qsize == 0):
# Get next buffer # from the work queue
proc_buffer = image_queue.get()
logger.debug("Processing buffer %d" % proc_buffer)
# Log start time
tstart = time.time()
# Process first buffer
if proc_buffer == 1:
t = t1
z = z1.astype('float32')
z = z1
elif proc_buffer == 2:
t = t2
z = z2.astype('float32')
# Compute statistics
zmax = np.max(z, axis=0)
znum = np.argmax(z, axis=0)
zs1 = np.sum(z, axis=0)-zmax
zs2 = np.sum(z*z, axis=0)-zmax*zmax
zavg = zs1/float(nz-1)
zstd = np.sqrt((zs2-zs1*zavg)/float(nz-2))
# Convert to float and flip
zmax = np.flipud(zmax.astype('float32'))
znum = np.flipud(znum.astype('float32'))
zavg = np.flipud(zavg.astype('float32'))
zstd = np.flipud(zstd.astype('float32'))
z = z2
# Format time
nfd = "%s.%03d" % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%T",
time.gmtime(t[0])), int((t[0]-np.floor(t[0]))*1000))
time.gmtime(t[0])), int((t[0] - np.floor(t[0])) * 1000))
t0 = Time(nfd, format='isot')
dt = t-t[0]
dt = t - t[0]
# Compute statistics
zmax = np.max(z, axis=0)
znum = np.argmax(z, axis=0)
zs1 = np.sum(z, axis=0) - zmax
zs2 = np.sum(z * z, axis=0) - zmax * zmax
zavg = zs1 / float(nz - 1)
zstd = np.sqrt((zs2 - zs1 * zavg) / float(nz - 2))
# Convert to float and flip
zmax = np.flipud(zmax.astype("float32"))
znum = np.flipud(znum.astype("float32"))
zavg = np.flipud(zavg.astype("float32"))
zstd = np.flipud(zstd.astype("float32"))
# Generate fits
fname = "%s.fits" % nfd
@ -366,7 +375,7 @@ def compress(image_queue, z1, t1, z2, t2, nx, ny, nz, tend, path, device_id, cfg
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=np.array([zavg, zstd, zmax, znum]),
hdu.writeto(os.path.join(filepath, fname))
logger.info("Compressed %s" % fname)
logger.info("Compressed %s in %.2f sec" % (fname, time.time() - tstart))
# Exit on end of capture
if t[-1] > tend: