Use solve-field only once per pointing

Cees Bassa 2019-07-30 21:28:06 +02:00
parent c1e3005631
commit 911da42c47
2 changed files with 27 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Extract settings
# Minimum predicted velocity (pixels/s)
drdtmin = 10.0
drdtmin = 5.0
# Track selection region around prediction (pixels)
trkrmin = 10.0
@ -99,26 +99,32 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# Get files
fnames = sorted(glob.glob("2*.fits"))
# Create reference calibration file
if not os.path.exists("test.fits"):
solved = False
# Loop over files to find a suitable calibration file
for fname in fnames:
# Generate star catalog
pix_catalog = generate_star_catalog(fname)
# Solve
if pix_catalog.nstars > 100:
print(colored("Computing astrometric calibration for %s" % fname, "yellow"))
solved = generate_reference_with_anet(fname, "")
# Break when solved
if solved:
# Loop over files
for fname in fnames:
# Generate star catalog
pix_catalog = generate_star_catalog(fname)
if not os.path.exists(fname + ".cat"):
pix_catalog = generate_star_catalog(fname)
# Create reference calibration file
if not os.path.exists("test.fits"):
solved = generate_reference_with_anet(fname, "")
# Calibrate astrometry
# Calibrate from reference
calibrate_from_reference(fname, "test.fits", pix_catalog)
# Redo refence if astrometry failed
if not is_calibrated(fourframe(fname)) and pix_catalog.nstars > 10:
print(colored("Recomputing astrometric calibration for %s" % fname, "yellow"))
solved = generate_reference_with_anet(fname, "")
# Calibrate astrometry
calibrate_from_reference(fname, "test.fits", pix_catalog)
# Generate satellite predictions

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from astropy import wcs
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, FK5, ICRS
from astropy.time import Time
from scipy import optimize
from stvid.stars import pixel_catalog
# Class for the Tycho 2 catalog
class tycho2_catalog:
@ -223,9 +223,13 @@ def is_calibrated(ff):
def generate_reference_with_anet(fname, cmd_args, reffname="test.fits", tempfroot="cal"):
# Copy file to generic name
shutil.copy2(fname, tempfroot + ".fits")
# Get center
hdu =
ny, nx = hdu[0].data[0].shape
# Generate command
command = "solve-field %s -O -T -N %s %s.fits" % (cmd_args, reffname, tempfroot)
command = "solve-field %s -l 20 -O -N %s --crpix-x %d --crpix-y %d -t 1 %s.fits" % (cmd_args, reffname, nx//2, ny//2, tempfroot)
# Run command
@ -245,4 +249,3 @@ def generate_reference_with_anet(fname, cmd_args, reffname="test.fits", tempfroo
return solved